Run An Infinite Tournament

Infinite Tournaments provides a simple way to run tournaments and raise funds. Our system not only makes it incredibly easy to run events, input scores and calculate payout, but it also gives players an Infinite Rating for every round.  Players are able to choose from Infinite’s vast inventory for payout winnings and/or player packs.  Other features include:

  • Easy Online Registration.
  • ZERO up front funds needed to run a high payout tournament.
  • No participation estimates and extra players pack inventory.
  • Amateur players can get exactly what they want for payout from any disc brand.
  • “Instant Players Pack” (given at registration) as Infinite Gift Card
  • Provide round ratings similar to PDGA ratings
  • Immediately update scores to the cloud so players can see exactly where they stand between rounds and the final standings.
  • Simple score input and payout calculating
  • Earn up to 20% Commission on Amateur Registrants

How Funds are Raised

A portion of every amateur registration will be paid to the TD as a commission. This money may be used by you however you like.

TD Commissions:

  • 10% Commission – 10-24 Amateur players (Infinite Buck payout registrants)
  • 15% Commissions  – 25-49 Amateur players
  • 20% Commissions – 50+ Amateur players

Essentially, If $1500 is collected from 50 AM registrations, you’ll be paid $300. Or you can use those funds to purchase additional products for player packs or CTP prizes.

Additional ways to raise more funds:

Rather than use the entire registration amount as payout, you can choose to withhold an additional amount from each registration towards fundraising. You will want to do this if you plan to donate money to charity, additional pro payout, or to purchase your own player packs.

How to Run an Event

The below resources will help you to run your tournament using the Infinite system: