Bulk Upload Players

If you ran your Next Gen tournament registration through disc golf scene, and purchased your player packs manually from https://infinitediscs.com/Products/Player-Packs, then use the bulk upload to add your players to the Next Gen system.

When using the bulk upload, the system assumes that you purchased the player packs manually, so only use this method if you purchased player packs from the Infinite Discs website rather than through the Next Gen system.

Using the Bulk Upload

  1. While logged into Disc Golf Scene click the left menu bar click “Print/Download List”
  2. Click “Full Details” and information for each of your registrants will display.  Double check this information to ensure that each registrant has a unique email address. The email address becomes the identifying field and log in name to access each players Next Gen account.

    If any players do not have a unique email address, you will need to “edit” their registration and add a unique address for them. To do that press the “add/edit players” button.
  3. Once you have confirmed that each player has a unique email address, download the CSV file by clicking the “Download .csv file.” button. A file containing all of your registrants will download to your computer.
  4. Log into your Next Gen account at https://nextgen.infinitediscs.com/Login click on the “Add Players” tab and then the green “Bulk Registration” button.
    5. Choose your event, choose the file you saved, and then click “Upload & Save”. Ensure that the upload format is .csv and not .xlsx (it only works in csv format).

    As long as your format was correct your registrants will all be added to the Next Gen system where you can then add scores, submit payout and assign points.
    Note: If you ran registration through Disc Golf Scene and purchased player packs manually (through InfiniteDiscs.com and not the Next Gen website), please do not add players manually. This will require you to select a player pack which was already purchased and will mess up our player pack inventory and the event finances.

Next Tutorial: Adding Scores, Submitting Payout and Assigning Next Gen Points